HealthWorks LifeWorks

Thanksgiving: 27 things for Giving Thanks

 Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for reading this article. If you have read many of my other articles you will know that I am the wife of the not-so recently unemployed husband.  My husband lost his job Aug 12, 2009. There has not been much movement in the job-finding market, as it is rather lean out there right now. It can be stressful. Both of us are working to ease stress. I could get into the “life sucks, nothing to be thankful for” thinking. But I choose not to do that… read on dear reader.

HealthWorks LifeWorks

Stress, Flu Vac, no job yet

Well, long time no write. Sigh! I am pretty stressed. My husband is still wading through the job seeking desert. There isn’t much out there. All we need is one job. And then there is the “Flu” vaccine hype…

HealthWorks LifeWorks new job

Job loss journey Day 11

Last week I was giving emotional support to one of my hospice patients. The wife gave handed me a book by Marianne Williamson. I just opened the book. This is what it said:

“If you bring forth what is within you,

What you bring forth will save you.

If you do not bring forth what is within you,

What you do not bring forth will destroy you.

As attributed to Jesus Christ

The Gospel of Thomas

Well that rather blew me away. I think that I will keep this as my theme. Sometimes I have held back in life. The dreams I have for me, have been on hold for a long time. This week I will work on my Dream (Vision) Board. I realize that my family is in a pickle. But this might be the vinegar that gets me off my arse. I do like dill pickles.

An interesting suprise happened today. My son found a Course in Miracles group that started this afternoon. So we went. He will have to do this long distance. We have a small group of 5 that will meet by conference call or skype and the big group will meet every other Sunday. I have been through part of the lessons and text. I stopped during the last job loss. Maybe now it is time to get back on track.

Yesterday, my son and I canned tomatoes. One bushel yielded 21 quarts plus a few for eating. I have canned by myself but it is more fun and easier to do this project with others. To make this even more fun, we recorded it. I hope to have it up on U Tube by tomorrow night.

I did make a pot of sauce. It is amazing to watch a pot FULL of tomatoes, cook down to a 1/3 of a pot. My son would like to learn how to make egg plant parmigiana. Soprano’s is an Italian grocery in a town about an hour from here. When I am sent there to see patients, I bring my cooler. They have the best homemade pasta. I think that I will bring them out tomorrow night too.

It is late and I am tired.