HealthWorks LifeWorks

Getting Out of My Own Way, Part 3

In the last post, I was discussing about negative emotions. Every place you turn, you hear news about wars, strife, fires, shootings, floods and other disasters. You may be a recipient of one of these situations or you may be just having a bad day in earth school. It is very easy to slip into and stay in negative thinking and negative emotions.

Negative thinking is seeing the glass as half empty rather than half full and feeling angry or sad about it.

There may be a reason why we have the potential to lean towards the negative. Part of our brain in focused on survival… the amygdala. In cave times and many other times we depended on our brain to search for any negative and potentially life threading situations. It was important information… life or death important.

Today we are not being hunted down by a mammoth. We don’t have to flee the cougar. Yet if we have the choice between two stories: one delightful and one a disaster, we will almost always choose the disaster. In newspapers they say: “if it bleeds, it reads.” Wonderful.

We know that negative thinking and lower emotions cause a great deal of stress in the body. Think of it this way… Let’s say you have a “bad” situation and you devote a period of time complaining, whining, getting angry and depressed. The chemical that are produced with your behavior is so damaging that you have sacrificed hundreds of thousands of cells. That is right. Your negative rampage killed many, many cells. Don’t do it, it will make you sick.

Here are some things that help me get out of the stinkin’ thinkin’.

First, develop a practice of gratitude. An attitude of gratitude will go a long way in moving from a primarily negative thinker to becoming a positive thinker. But gratitude has to come in the calm moments. Make your list. Look at it and add to it every day. It is very nice to wake up and go to sleep thinking about all the good things in your life.

The other thing you must do in addition to thinking about what you are thankful for is to FEEL the gratitude. You have to know what it feels like when your heart opens in gratitude. When you can do this at will, it will be of service to you. That means in the heat of a negative moment, you can choose to switch over to “gratitude” and change the situation.

Journaling is great. Sometimes you have to dump. Great. Dump the anger and frustration and then burn the pages. It is not for you to re-read and get mad again, it is just a dump. It is also not for other people to read… it is your dump. So dump and burn.

Journaling is also a way to stimulate creative solutions and get insights into problems, situations and issues. You can start the page with a question. Then write the answer by writing for 20 minutes without picking up you pen. At first you will start with “I can do A. I can do B.” At some point you write that “this is the stupidest thing I have ever done. What was Mary Pat thinking…” Then eventually you will draw some very possible ideas and solutions. This is a great technique to do every day. I promise you, that you will have so many ideas that you won’t know what to do with them all.

I like to release a lot of energy through exercise. So I may go on a “mad” walk. Cleaning the house works too. If I don’t need to dump, I still may go for a walk. Walking and biking clear my mind and bring me into the present moment. Then I am clear.

Ah… the present moment. When I am stuck in negative thinking, I am not in the present moment. I have created some story and I am trying to live in the story.

There is a body posture that I assume when I am lost in a thought/story. I look down and tilt my head to the right. I may even nod my head side to side. I have done this since I was a little girl. When I catch myself doing this, I simply stand up straight. That brings my spirit back into my body. I will feel as many sensations as I can and notice all I can see clearly. These bring me into the present. The only time we really have is the present moment.

Another technique I use is EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique. There are a number of tapping techniques around. They all work by tapping on various acupuncture points. When we are in a negative state of mind we alter the flow of energy through our system. Tapping helps right the ship so to speak.

These are some of the techniques I use to help myself get out of my own way.

Choices HealthWorks LifeWorks

Getting Out of My Own Way, Part 2

Yesterday I had the opportunity to practice what I preach navigating emotional marshes. We all can slide down the slippery slope of negative thinking. It is particularly true if you have had years of practice thinking about and expecting negative results. You have to be on guard.

HealthWorks LifeWorks

Getting Out of My Own Way…

I ended yesterday’s blog post about emotions/feelings with this statement: “So consider getting out of your sad, mad state and move up to curious, willingness and happy for a better life.”

Today I got to practice what I preach…. hmmm! 🙂

HealthWorks LifeWorks

Succeed or Fail Based on Emotions…

Did you know that your success or failure is related to your emotions? Yes.

Did you know that you can choose your emotions? Yes you can.

HealthWorks LifeWorks

30 Day Blog Challenge… Here We Go

I have signed up for a 30 day blog challenge. I like these little challenges to get me going.

This blog is about living life. There are many facets and nuances to life. We have goals and dreams. Some times they work out and many times they do not. We think that when goals and dreams work out life is great and when they do not, life sucks!

HealthWorks LifeWorks

Birthday Thoughts

Well, today is my birthday…. 60th birthday at that! I can’t believe that I am saying that or living it for that matter.

When you are young, 60 is OLD!

HealthWorks LifeWorks

When the Universe Says “Stop”

That is where I am. The universe has said “Stop”. There is nothing moving for me at this time. Clients have stopped coming. Students have stopped signing up for classes. My book partner is steadfastly refusing to work on the book which we are so close to finishing. I spoke with a teacher of mine about being in her internet marketing mentor program. She asked me some questions and then told me to think about it for the next month! Hmmm.

I am very frustrated. However, I do know that we can get clues as to what our next action should be by what is happening around us.

Did you ever here the story by Carolyn Myss where she talks about someone being pissed off because they where stopped by the train or traffic jam etc. We have appointments that we are scheduled to keep. If you where not stopped by the train, you might miss an important chance meeting.

I have a hunch that I need to really slow down right now. I don’t know why or for what. I left nursing last fall and I was taking this time to do things I have not been able to accomplish.

360 Forgiveness HealthWorks LifeWorks

Forgiveness-Space of Love

How do you create a space of love for forgiveness?

Did you know that the energy of the heart is 5000 times stronger and bigger that the energy of the brain? Yep. Lots of time, the brain is running the works. Today I am giving you the invitation to move into your heart.

There is a scale of emotions. The lowest vibration is shame and the highest vibration is bliss. The first thing is to look at where you are emotionally right now.

360 Forgiveness HealthWorks LifeWorks


For the last several weeks, I have been working on a forgiveness project. I have been pushed by Spirit to do this for some time. Why “Forgiveness”? And why now?

I don’t really know. We have always been invited to live a forgiving life. Some of us do, many of us don’t. So, I am wondering what I have left to forgive. You did know that teachers talk about what they need to learn the most. :).

Choices HealthWorks LifeWorks

What Do You Do When Everything Stops?

I have had a very interesting January 2012. Everything has stopped! Yes,I mean that. Life has very much slowed down for me. What do you do when everything either slows way down and/or stops? …You blog!