HealthWorks LifeWorks

Does your child yell, sulk, talk back?

Does your child yell and have tantrums? Does he or she sulk, insult, roll their eyes and dismiss you? Do you let them off the hook? If you do that, you are causing a heap of problems.

Is it even possible to have a child that is motivated

HealthWorks LifeWorks

Self confident? Or are you shy, and suffer from social anxiety?

Self esteem can be very fragile. Do you remember the rhyme: “sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me?” Ain’t true. Words can crush you. But words can also lift you up. You can Use Encouraging Words to lift your self up

HealthWorks LifeWorks

Kids willing to do chores…

Do you have kids? Do they help out about the house?  Do they do their chores willingly?

I see you rolling your eyes. My colleague, Judy Wright is a mom and grandmother and author. She has seen all the tricks kids use to get out of helping around the house. She writes about Kids Chores and More strategies.

 We start learning responsibility as children.

HealthWorks LifeWorks

Overcoming shyness

Are you shy? Do you suffer from social anxiety? How is you self esteem?

It is very hard to have good, healthy self esteem and be paralyzingly shy. Would you like help in gaining confidence and building self esteem?

 My colleague, Judy Wright (aka Auntie Artichoke) overcame her shyness. She knows how it can alter your life,and not in the way you would like or hope for. She is now sharing her simple steps that she used to over  come shyness. You too can have the 5 Keys to Overcoming Shyness. It is free. There is no obligation. But she may have the answer you have been looking for.

HealthWorks LifeWorks

Healing Touch at Lourdes

Today was a great day. I created and taught a 6 hr Introduction to Healing Touch for my hospice staff. It was well received. It was a work day for all of us and the students received ANCC credit to boot!. I just love doing and teaching about energy healing.

Do you know what an aura is? Or have you ever heard of chakras? You should know about the human energy field. The state of you aura effects your phyical health, among other things.