HealthWorks LifeWorks new job

Job loss journey Day 11

Last week I was giving emotional support to one of my hospice patients. The wife gave handed me a book by Marianne Williamson. I just opened the book. This is what it said:

“If you bring forth what is within you,

What you bring forth will save you.

If you do not bring forth what is within you,

What you do not bring forth will destroy you.

As attributed to Jesus Christ

The Gospel of Thomas

Well that rather blew me away. I think that I will keep this as my theme. Sometimes I have held back in life. The dreams I have for me, have been on hold for a long time. This week I will work on my Dream (Vision) Board. I realize that my family is in a pickle. But this might be the vinegar that gets me off my arse. I do like dill pickles.

An interesting suprise happened today. My son found a Course in Miracles group that started this afternoon. So we went. He will have to do this long distance. We have a small group of 5 that will meet by conference call or skype and the big group will meet every other Sunday. I have been through part of the lessons and text. I stopped during the last job loss. Maybe now it is time to get back on track.

Yesterday, my son and I canned tomatoes. One bushel yielded 21 quarts plus a few for eating. I have canned by myself but it is more fun and easier to do this project with others. To make this even more fun, we recorded it. I hope to have it up on U Tube by tomorrow night.

I did make a pot of sauce. It is amazing to watch a pot FULL of tomatoes, cook down to a 1/3 of a pot. My son would like to learn how to make egg plant parmigiana. Soprano’s is an Italian grocery in a town about an hour from here. When I am sent there to see patients, I bring my cooler. They have the best homemade pasta. I think that I will bring them out tomorrow night too.

It is late and I am tired.



new job

Job loss Journey

This has been a very interesting several days on the emotional roll-a-coaster. Wednesday I played hospice nurse. It was a great day. I felt a great deal of Joy. My heart felt as if the sun was shinning in the center. I had this little song, if you will.


I was thinking about a time in my life (a very loooooong time) that was very dark. I was so unhappy, and everything was a struggle. It occurred to me that I never had any Joy. Then it occurred to me that I could ask for Joy. So I did. And I started to feel Joy. My outer circumstances didn’t change right away. But I was feeling Joy more and more. Eventually, my outer circumstances did change. I find it curious, to experience 2 emotions at the same time. An example would be to feel angry at someone and also love. Growing up, I would have never put those two in the same sentence. I used to think that “anger” and “hate” might go in the same sentence. I don’t feel that any more. Wednesday was a Joy day. To boot, I was finished work on time!


Thursday, I was deep in despair. The enormity of this situation is overwhelming. It is very easy to slip into fear and catastrophic thinking. Oh, the stories you can build. Oh the stories I am building. Hmmm. The thing is, if I continue that practice, I will bring it upon myself, by the Law of Attraction. I did call a friend and had my “pity party”.  Then she reminded me of who I am and why I am here. In the evening, my son and I did a Thoth Tarot reading. It was right on. I can achieve success based on how I handle my self through this current, temporary turbulence in my life. Duh! Of course! The one choice I have is attitude. The situation is what it is. I didn’t directly create it, but apparently I have some learning to do. One day at a time and with the help of my family/friends, I will do that and create a new life.


Today, Friday, was better. I need to complete the forms for recertifying as a Healing Touch Certified Practitioner and Instructor. I have a couple of snags to work out. Healing Touch classes have been difficult to get going for me over the last 2 years. There was a variety of reasons for that, including the chaos in my own life (relocating, new job etc.). This week I have scheduled 4 Healing Touch Level 1 classes for the fall and spring! Yippee. Now I doubly have to get that paper work together.


My son and husband worked to complete some big yard projects. My son learned how to roto-route down spout drainage sites and to cut pavers. The new paver pads look very nice. Now we need rain to set the sand and check out the down spout drainage. It may rain tomorrow. It rains a lot here. Tomorrow I will teach my son how to can tomatoes. We will also start a BIG pot of sauce. Hopefully, some of that will be for canning.

new job

Job change journey

Well, today went well for me at work. I am a hospice nurse. Fitting. I assist patients and families through the process of dying. Now I can assist myself as this part of my life dies. Cosmic humor, I guess. That being said, I also look at myself as a midwife. The incoming soul waits with their angels and guides. Meanwhile the midwife and nurse monitor the Mother/baby. They prepare for the birth and do all the things that are needed in the process of birth. The other end of life is similar in a way. I monitor and assist my patient, and walk the path with them and their family physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. When the blessed event comes to pass, they are birthed into the next life where the angels, guides and family meet them. Now it is time that I midwife my dreams into reality.

One of the things I am doing for work is heading a committee to do a Vision or Dream Board. This is an effort to help our unit run smoother with everybody feeling satisfied and happy with their contribution. I would like hospice to be the premiere unit for our hospital system. I have done Vision Boards for myself. I think that my husband and I need to do one together. Did you ever know that people teach what they need to learn the most. 🙂

My husband is diligently contacting his network, upgrading the resume, doing web searches for position postings, following up on calls etc. It is really different. Do you remember typing the cover letter and resume on premium paper? So much is done online. Just amazing.

I can’t believe this is happening. You think that it happens to someone else, out there. Never in my wildest dreams! But it is happening to us/me, John and Jane Q Public. We have worked hard our whole lives and raised and educated two fine young men. We have helped countless people along the way. Here we are, a few years short of retirement and basically S.O.L. Somehow I/we are going to need to go deep within to find our answers.

HealthWorks LifeWorks

This is a Test

I believe with my whole heart and soul that “health works and life works”. Hence my name. When we are healthy, we are in balance. When life is working, we are in balance. Yes, things come our way. Most of the time it shows us where we are out of balance.

Belief systems play a part of the “health works – life works” deal. Beliefs that no longer serve us will trip us up. (You will get sick or your life won’t work.) That is so we will look at them and heal them. Some times it is easy, sometimes it isn’t.

If you have followed my blog/articles, you will have a little bit of my life. November 07, my husband was released from his job in upper management in health care. We moved in late spring 08. I started a new job, right away. At that time, I experienced severe overwhelm. I have a NEW appreciation for what stress can do to a person. I have a felt sense of the told stress takes on the human body. My preceptor would tell me something and I would just look at her. I would think to myself… “She just spoke to me? What did she say to me? What am I supposed to do?” etc. I would eventually figure it out, but there was quite a time lag.

Finally, this spring, I felt like I was getting myself back. I was getting my stride, if you will at my job and as a teacher of energy healing.

Last wednesday, my husband was released from his job. “Freed up future”. “Free to roam the country”. “Canned”. Whatever you call it… out of a job.  Apparently his employer decided to cut that job title do to the economy. They gave him 1 week severance. He has been in this position before but he as always received a fair severance and out placement services (where they help/support you in finding a new job). This time, we are left high and dry.

The shock is pretty deafening. It is amazing how this just throws you back into overwhelm and ‘your stuff”.

I don’t know what will happen. I don’t know what this will look like. It isn’t feeling to good in the moment. I have had a whole host of emotions from being OK to rage to despair. This is pretty normal, I would guess. Ya have to honor the anger and let it flow through in constructive ways so that it doesn’t get stuck and become despair.

So I am on this journey of… I don’t know what. The future is pretty much open. It is very scary. The good news is that one kid just graduated from college and the other will in December.

There are some things that I am going to start working on. First will be to write down my gratitude list. While every thing may be falling a part, there are many things for which I am grateful. I have a good job. My employer will put us on insurance. I have a big family network and am getting lots of support. I have food in my refrig and had a very nice/healthy dinner. I have a cat. I have a nice car. It is full of gas. I have friends. (And I have a counselor!) I will work on expanding this, as I am sure that I will need it in the coming days.

Follow me and I will keep you posted on my journey as I dismantle my life and rebuild it.


Weight Loss

Healthy Weight Loss… You Can!

My last post was about losing weight. I was on the monthly weight gain, and it was not PMS. The body was getting rather plump, and I wasn’t liking it so very much.

July 24, 09, I was down 6.5# and 8 inches. Now I am down 9#. I have not measured myself but I am on the smallest hole of my belt (I had been at the biggest hole). How did I do this, you may be wondering. Well, I have been using the Core4 system.

In fact, I did a little web page telling the world about Core4. Click here for lots of information. Here I tell my story, talk about the products, have a few testimonials and I have started a forum. At the web site you can click over to my Core4 website and sign up for free. This is the only thing that has worked for me. Join me and get that new thin, healthy body you want.

Also I wrote an article for about using blueberries for weight loss. Those delicious little round blue berries are so good for you. Did you know that they are high in antioxidants? Antioxidants helps the body rid itself of free radicals that damage the cells, contributing to chronic diseases and aging.

Blueberries have the same chemical compounds as cranberries. They will also help stop urinary tract infection.

Blueberries help reduce belly fat as overall body fat when you eat a low fat diet. Blueberries help control glucose and insulin sensitivity. They can help prevent against colon cancer and ovarian cancer. Blueberries are similar to bilberries and can help prevent macular degeneration.

Did you know that blueberries have fiber and can help with both diarrhea and constipation? Yep. They are high in vitamin C and manganese and only 81 calories per cup.

Blueberries are in season now. So go pick ’em, make shakes, put them on salads, put them in yogurt or on ice cream, make jam, make pies, just eat them. What else do you do with the delicious blueberry?