USA Healing Touch Article

Healing Touch

Healing Touch was featured in USA Today at Read the USA Today article on Healing Touch on Monday 11/5/07.

Healing Touch is a rather newcomer to the energy healing, since 1990. Healing work has been around since 5000-3000 BC in ancient China and India. It is fitting that us Westerners finally get the hang of this. Healing Touch was started by Janet Mentgen, RN. Janet studied with a variety of healers and developed an energy based practice in Denver CO in 1980. Around 1985, she taught a healing class at Denver Community College. This class became what is now Healing Touch Level 1. In 1988, Janet was named Holistic Nurse of the Year by the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA), due in part to her life’s work. At the insistence of friends, the HT Level 1 was run as a pilot program in Gainsville Florida and Tennessee in 1989. In 1990 Healing Touch became a nursing healing program sponsored by the AHNA. In 1993, AHNA began issuing certification as participants met the requirements. We grew so fast and where attracting many non-nurses. In 1996, Healing Touch International was founded to be the certifying body for Healing Touch. HT is endorsed by AHNA. It is a nursing educational program and non-nurses can be certified.

I started Healing Touch by taking Levels 1 & 2 at Duke University Med Center in 1992. I was blessed to have Janet for most of my levels. I had enough experience in energy work that this put a big piece of my puzzle together. I was working at Holy Spirit Hospital ICU at the time. After the week of Healing Touch, I was motivated to practice a lot. I would practice on my patients. Typically, I would say… “Hi, I am Mary Pat. I am your nurse today/tonight. I went to this seminar….” All my patients let me work on them. I had some result with every patient. One evening I was doing an initial assessment of a patient who had experienced a heart attack the previous night. She had some lab work drawn from her left arm, which was very swollen. I took off the now cold hot pack and said… “I went to this seminar…” She let me work on her arm. I worked on her 3 times during my shift. She would not allow the hot packs and her arm was visibly smaller at the end of the shift. Did I make an impact? Who knows. Her arm was visibly smaller and she was more comfortable. That works for me. I completed the Healing Touch Program and the instructor level. I have continuously used Healing Touch in my nursing practice.
It is a wonderful experience.

In the USA Today Article, Scripps Green is mentioned as one of 100 hospitals that offer Healing Touch. Here in Ohio, you can receive Healing Touch in every hospital in Cincinnati. Healing Touch is also available @ Grant Hospital in Columbus. If you are lucky enough to have me as your home care nurse, you may have experienced Healing Touch in Zanesville.

What are the benefits of Healing Touch and energy healing? It promoted relaxation. It reduces the effects of stress. It can reduce or eliminates pain and need for pain medicine. It can increase range of motion and the back and joints. Healing Touch facilitates recovery pre/post surgery, medical treatments, chemotherapy and radiation. It aids in working through emotional and psychological issues. HT provides support for the dying process. Healing Touch augments a personal program of balanced living and good health care. If you are interested in experiencing a healing session, log onto Healing Touch International at or The Healing Touch Program. You can also check out my web site

If you are ill, needing medical or surgical treatment, chemotherapy or radiation, consider adding Healing Touch to your healing plan. Blessings.

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