Choices HealthWorks LifeWorks

S.T.R.E.S.S… spells…

What do you think about stress? It is in everybody’s life. Stress isn’t necessarily a bad thing. We actually need some stress to keep us healthy and on our toes. Too much stress will make you sick.

Some folks are underwhelmed by life or shut down by the riggers of life. Other people are very overwhelmed by life. could be work or family or life in general.

Choices HealthWorks LifeWorks

Getting Out of My Own Way, Part 2

Yesterday I had the opportunity to practice what I preach navigating emotional marshes. We all can slide down the slippery slope of negative thinking. It is particularly true if you have had years of practice thinking about and expecting negative results. You have to be on guard.

HealthWorks LifeWorks

Getting Out of My Own Way…

I ended yesterday’s blog post about emotions/feelings with this statement: “So consider getting out of your sad, mad state and move up to curious, willingness and happy for a better life.”

Today I got to practice what I preach…. hmmm! 🙂

HealthWorks LifeWorks

Succeed or Fail Based on Emotions…

Did you know that your success or failure is related to your emotions? Yes.

Did you know that you can choose your emotions? Yes you can.