Since I wrote that last blog about “choices”, I have had a lot a opportunity to practice. (Oh, goodie!). It has been a frustrating week at work. It is little things like mis-dialing a phone number or prescription number. Some times it seems that the clock moves a lot faster than I can complete the “to do” assignments.
What to do? Well, I decided to “breathe” a lot this week. You might be laughing. Actually, deep breathing is very good for you. When we get frustrated we tend to hold the breath and breathe very shallow. Simply taking 10 deep and slow belly breaths can do much to change your perception of a situation. When you can change your perceptions about something, it is often easier to make better choices.
Lets face it, life is about choices. Some times we have more choices than at other times. We always have choice about attitude.
If you are stress out or depressed, do you eat? Well check out my other blog on emotional eating.
When you get stressed out, do you argue or get depressed? If you find that you are using words you would rather not use, speak in a louder or harsher voice, or have bad thoughts about yourself or the other person, STOP. There is an saying…. “hungry, angry, lonely, tired” equals “HALT”.
Find the clue that lets you know that you are off. HALT. Figure out what is wrong, what your best course of action is in the moment (which may be no action). Make the healthiest choice you can.
Change you thoughts, change your life. How do you do that? One healthy choice at a time.
Mary Pat FitzGibbons RN MS