Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for reading this article. If you have read many of my other articles you will know that I am the wife of the not-so recently unemployed husband. My husband lost his job Aug 12, 2009. There has not been much movement in the job-finding market, as it is rather lean out there right now. It can be stressful. Both of us are working to ease stress. I could get into the “life sucks, nothing to be thankful for” thinking. But I choose not to do that… read on dear reader.
Today in New York’s Southern Tier, it is in the high 50’s and sunny. Very uncharacteristic weather. Suits me just fine. I have just returned from a 50 minute walk through my very hilly neighborhood with my husband and youngest son. And I am ready to sit down to a fabulous feast with my family.
Here are 3 gratitude items I have already: the fine weather, a good walk, and the company of husband, boys and my extended family.
I made a traditional stuffed local, free range, no hormones or antibiotic turkey. Hmmm, smells good! My niece is cooking a fried turkey. I can’t wait to taste it. I have never eaten one and I hear they are very tasty. I made extra stuffing so we can both have left over’s. My niece is rounding out the dinner menu with green bean casserole and mashed potatoes with gravy.
I made my famous apple and raisin (no sugar) pie which is very good, you’ll never miss the sugar. I also made 2 yummy no sugar pumpkin pies, which are also very delicious. (If you want to know what I used instead of sugar, read the whole post!) I will whip up some whipped cream in time for dessert. We will have pre-dinner and football game snacks, which will probably be too much food our sumptuous Thanksgiving dinner.
Now I have 4 more items for my gratitude list: The gift of food: I was able to get good turkey and support a local farmer. I bought my apples from the same farm. I getting to eat a fried turkey, and enjoy a new taste. The gift of talent: I am a good cook and baker and I make delicious, healthy foods for myself and my family to enjoy. The gift of abundance: We will be over eating today. Most of the world will not have enough to eat today. And the gift of things: We’re watching TV (the parades and football), a marvel of the mid twentieth century with all of today’s advancements. I like widgets, thank you.
This afternoon, we are gathering at my niece’s home. There will be nine of us. She has 2 small children, who are just a delight. Molly is 2 1/2 and cute as a button. I suspect that she will keep us entertained. Josh is 6 months old. I just love cuddling and holding him. He is growing so face. I really enjoy watching my boys (age 22 and 24) hold him and play with him.
That adds 9 more reasons to add to my gratitude list. The gift of family. I have lived away from family for almost 20 years and it is so good to be near family again. And I have included myself on this list. Always be thankful for yourself. Each of us is a wonderfully perfect gift to our families and to the world. I hope that you can realize that.
Here are 11 other items I have on my gratitude list. I am healthy. I have good job that I enjoy and feel like I make a difference in the lives of my patients and their families (I am a hospice nurse). I have a nice house. I have business and teaching projects that I am working on that are exciting and challenging. I have car. I am able to pay my bills. I am happy and content.
My boys are about out of school. Aaron graduated in May from Campbell University in Buies Creek, NC with degree in biology. He currently is a student teacher at Up At Tina’s in PA. This is a democratic alternative school. He is having a great year. Jerry is a senior at UNC Wilmingtion. He graduates this December with 2 degrees. One is in international business and the other is spanish. He is graduating with honors. I have enjoyed my boys at every age. I am particularily enjoying them as adults. I am looking forward to a long friendship with them and their future families.
Whatever your circumstances are, you will be happier if you can remember all the blessing you have in your life. We all have good things. Look at life as a glass that is half full and ready for more, rather than a glass that is half empty and losing. There is a tremendous difference in the energy of each of these thoughts. The first one is expansive and inviting of opportunity and abundance. The second one is constricted and inviting lack.
If you want abundance, think gratitude. Start you gratitude list today and add to it every day. Thank you for reading this. May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Many Blessings, Mary Pat
PS: I use agave nectar in place of sugar. You use a little less than you would sugar as it is sweeter. It does have calories, but it doesn’t spike the blood sugar like sugar does. Yummy.
One reply on “Thanksgiving: 27 things for Giving Thanks”
Mary Pat, I was going through old emails and found a link to your website. I am so sorry to hear that Paul is going through a job search again! Just wanted to let you know I’m thinking of you. Take care, Jenni